Notice: Framed pictures are "thumbnail" versions of larger photos that you
may click on with your mouse in order to see a much larger version.
Under-lined phrases, words, statements may also be picture links!
Satahip Port Complex Project Plan Map
15 Mar 67 - Planned for November, 1967
Sattahip, Thailand
Map outlines the plans for Camp Samae San ...
16 Photo Credits: Gary Adams, 809th Engr Bn
Camp Samae San Sattahip, Thailand Year: Est. 1969-70
4 Photo Credits: MSG Otto Uebel,
720th MP Battalion
- U.S. Army (Retired)
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Camp Samae San Satahip, Thailand Year est: 1969
View from Tanks on the Hill...
Photo Credits: 6 Tom Petty, 697th
Camp Samae San Satahip, Thailand Year est: 1969
View from Tanks on the Hill...
Photo Credits: 6 Tom Petty, 697th
Camp Samae San
..up on the hill
Satahip, Thailand (1969)
"This picture -really- brings back memories!
- the early days of the Camp ..."
5 Photo Credits: Bob Potter, 697th
Camp Samae San
..Old Orderly Room up on the hill
Satahip, Thailand (1969)
"Ralph Lemmer and ????" - anyone remember his name? TIA.
5 Photo Credits: Bob Potter, 697th
Camp Samae San
..Construction of/Dirt Movers getting "fill"
Satahip, Thailand (1969)
"How many of you have climbed that hill?"
5 Photo Credits: Bob Potter, 697th
Camp Samae San
..view from the 697th Motor Pool
Satahip, Thailand (1969)
Another view..
the New Buildings..
Motor Pool Main Shed
2nd View
"Notice -
that a lot of the equipment was designated 9th Logistics Command..."
5 Photo Credits: Bob Potter, 697th
Camp Samae San Satahip, Thailand Year est: 1967-8
697th Pipeline Platoon Squad laying pipe at the Camp...
"If you've got plumbing problem complaints -
these are the guys! Don't bring it to the Orderly Room
- I move (only) papers!"
Frank/Company Clerk
Photo Credits: 6 Tom Petty, 697th
Camp Samae San Satahip, Thailand Year est: 1967-8
Open Trenches during "Monsoon" Season ...
Photo Credits: 6 Tom Petty, 697th
697th Engineers - Pipeline
For more "photo opts" on the (exciting) life of the 697th'ers !
U.S. Army CIL - Thailand, Camp Samae San, Satahip, Thailand
"An Honorable Profession" Recovering of the remains of our own ...
For all of you that may have gone home from your tour of
duty in Satahip; wondering what ever happened to those nice facilities constructed in
the harbor/port area of Satahip, here is a partial answer ...
Here is an official quote/unquote from the U.S. Army web site found at - for your edification:
"Casualty Data, or casualty analysis, was not a functioning part of the Central Identification
Laboratory (CIL) when the laboratory was established at Camp Samae San, Thailand (CIL-THAI)
in 1973. However, the need for a records room was immediately evident as CIL-THAI
inherited, along with personnel, all of the mortuary processing records (some 55,000 plus)
from both the Da Nang and Tan Son Nhut Mortuaries which had operated in Vietnam.
Additionally, as CIL-THAI recovery teams began recovering remains from Vietnam, the requirement
for ante-mortem records (medical and dental) for the identification process became paramount.
The need to have additional personnel to locate, request, receive, research, archive
and produce information and records for the identification staff and Recovery Elements gave
way to the birth of the Casualty Data Analysis Section.
When the organization moved to Hawaii in May of 1976 and became the Central Identification
Laboratory, Hawaii (CILHI), the Records Room activated as an operational section.
Staffed originally with three Non-Commissioned Officers (NCO’s), the responsibility of the
section grew with the organization. The requirement to conduct detailed map searches,
produce name associations and records research with each remains received became arduous.
Additional material such as maps, casualty reports, search and rescue reports, line of duty
investigations, witness statements, and eventually even the Da Nang and Tan Son Nhut Mortuary
files were researched and analyzed for each remains repatriated from Southeast Asia.
The requirement for research and analysis took a gigantic leap as CILHI took on the
responsibility to search for, recover, and identify individuals whose remains were not
recovered and identified from WWII, Korea, and the Cold War."
- Source:
U.S. Army CILHI .. for public information and free distribution ...
I urge you to take a hour; visit the official web site and learn
more about the "repatriation process" and the recovering of our comrades that gave their
all and the Mission to Bring Home our Fallen Soldiers, Airmen and Sailors!
Click here for the CIL Pictorial Story.
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