U.S. Army CIL - Thailand, Camp Samae San, Satahip, Thailand
"An Honorable Profession" Recovering of the remains of our own ...
- Source:
U.S. Army CILHI .. for public information and free distribution ...
I urge you to take a hour; visit the official web site and learn
more about the "repatriation process" and the recovering of our comrades that gave their
all and the Mission to Bring Home our Fallen Soldiers, Airmen and Sailors!
Click here for USA CILHI.
What follows is a pictorial story to enlighten you on their Mission, the members of
the Teams and the environment in which they worked.
In recognition of their Mission, President Clinton along with his family,
visited with and took a group photo with a CIL Team in Vietnam.
"Their work is honorable."
An area of S.E.A. very dear to my heart is the conflict in Laos
both in the south along the Ho Chin Minh Trails and to the north
in the high mountains of Laos.
Click here for Mission Map.
For more information on Mission Project "RE-3" and/or the region,
please visit my alternate web site dedicated to the POW/MIA/KIAs
Lima Site 85, Phou Pha Thi near Sam Neua ...
Many veterans have different feelings and emotions about the conflict in S.E.A.
and I am no different. My purpose here is historical awareness for those
that gave their all and for us that served without recognition. Part of
the recognition that we (veterans) all seek, is for our government to keep its
promise to ourselves and our families to bring home our (fallen) boys.
If they live up to that part of the deal, many of us will be more than satisfied ...
CIL Mission is critical to this function, to recover every last fallen soldier's
remains on the battlefield and get them home! Recently, on my favorite news
television station, ABC affiliate, there was a report on Congressional leadership
bringing taxpayer dollars home to their constituents and how an inordinate amount
of funds was being "ciphened" off by Senator Inouye, of Hawaii... Well, you
know, my ears "perked" up and I first checked to see if I was listening to a
broadcast on my favorite television station. Realizing that I was, I was
totally frustrated and pissed'n moaned about "irresponsible reporting" to the
general public and the ignorance that prevails. Hawaii is our "outpost"
on the Pacific; our first line of defense there and rightfully so, should receive
an "inordinate" amount of fiscal budgetary funds for (one) military operations
and (two) such high priorities as CIL-Hawaii, at home (in the U.S.A.) where it
belongs versus some foreign soil, eg, Thailand!
If there is anything that you may have learned from my web sites is that I am
very opinionated and I hope that you either agree with my presentation, or are
considerate to same in an open mind, or simply "agree to disagree" and not make
some sort of "pissing contest" out of it! I believe that if you (first)
do not have knowledge in this subject area and proceed with an open mind to
investigate the facts presented that you will come around to my choice subjects.
Okay - enough digression on me, here is a pictorial on CIL Team Members!
Click on border'd photos for a larger version, ie, thumbnail approach.
Makin Raid Recovery Mission Details
Success Story
For the details -
click here ..
From the "Anthro Dig"
Repatriation Color Guard
Ceremony away from home ...
Vietnam CIL Mission ...
Watery grave ...
The People ...
"Home ..
at last ..
welcome home ... "

Hickam Air Force Base, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A.
An Emotional Moment for any soldier ...
"With every breath in your body .. never forget -
Learn more about bringing our soldiers home at -
If you agree with this Mission, please make sure your Congressional
Representatives are aware of your approval. It must be funded, indefinitely,
until the last soldier comes home!
They paid the ultimate price for our freedom, we owe them - big time!
- Franco Picchione/Webmaster
Squad Leader, USARPAC Honor Guard Company - 1973-74
Hqs, Ft Shafter, Honolulu, Hawaii APO 96558
Old Guard, Washington, D.C.
Arlington National Cemetary, Virginia ..
on Duty, 24 hours a day; 7 days a week
Oblivious to all elements except guarding the honor of our fallen soldiers ...