- your Webmaster Franco Picchione
Company Clerk, 697th Engr Co (P/L)
Korat & Satahip - Jan'68 - Jan'70
U.S. Army - 16 Nov 66 - April, 1977*
* forgot (exact) date of discharge, too happy !
This website was designed 3 years ago, Christmas.
"How time flys when'ya havin fun ..."
New home ... us-army-support-thailand dot 50megs dot-com
The documents and graphics on this web site
have been written and updated by and for veterans, is non-copyrighted.
It may be freely copied, reproduced, distributed, or linked to.
Question the motivation of others that wish to charge you a fee
or "protect" their graphic images
when the proper motivation is to remind people of the sacrifices
made by all of us veterans alive and dead.